I Controlli Non Distruttivi (CND) sono il complesso di esami e prove condotti impiegando metodi che non alterano il materiale e non richiedono la distruzione o l’asportazione di campioni dalla struttura in esame finalizzati alla ricerca ed identificazione di anomalie strutturali della struttura ...
The Infrared Thermography is the ability of instrumentations (thermal imaging cameras) to turn an infrared image into a radiometric image allowing to read the temperature values of an image. The thermal energy (infrared) is located in the not visible spectrum because its wavelength is too long ...
Rovergamma performs heat treatment furnace extrafurnace with resistance system both in yard and in the workshop by customers in pipes and vessels.
We have two devices to 12 outputs.
Using portable instrumentation, able to identify the alloying elements, we are able to recognize the material.