I Controlli Non Distruttivi (CND) sono il complesso di esami e prove condotti impiegando metodi che non alterano il materiale e non richiedono la distruzione o l’asportazione di campioni dalla struttura in esame finalizzati alla ricerca ed identificazione di anomalie strutturali della struttura stessa. Le metodologie di controllo possono essere classificate in due diversi modi: volumetriche e superficiali. Le prime mostrano indicazioni presenti in tutto il volume dell’oggetto (RT, UT,), mentre le altre mostrano solo i difetti affioranti in superficie o molto prossimi alla superficie (PT, VT, M.T.). Rovergamma esegue controlli non distruttivi sia in fase di pre-service ( fase di costruzione) e sia durante le manutenzioni in esercizio; lo scopo è sempre quello di individuare discontinuità nei componenti esaminati e di stabilirne l’accettabilità o meno in base alle normative di riferimento adottate.

Penetrant liquid testing

The Non Destructive Testing with Penetrant Liquids is an inspection procedure of the surface integrity of a ferrous or non ferrous piece and, possibly, superficially non-porous during the testing. The penetrant is applied by spraying, brush or immersion allowing capillary action to act for the ...

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Magnetoscopic Testing

This kind of Non Destructive Testing can be carried out only on ferromagnetic components. A piece or a ferromagnetic component, if subjected to magnetization, highlights outcropping discontinuities on the surface, or placed immediately below it (few millimeters) which create a dispersion of the ...

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Ultrasonic Testing

This kind of Non Destructive Testing detects discontinuities in the tested piece being able to establish the nature, the position and the depth of the same. Rovergamma carries out ultrasound testings on laminates forged, forgings and welds; also performs testings through thickness measurements ...

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Radiographic testing

The Radiography is the technique which keeps image of the content of an object by the impression of a sensitive element, film, by ionizing radiation (X or gamma rays).
The mechanism of image formation is associated with the different absorption of radiations in the piece in function of the ...

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Leak Detection

Rovergamma carries out testings to detect possible loses with leak detection mainly on welds of tank’s ground (with methodology of “vacuum box”) and on welds of pressure vessels (welds of tube-tubesheet, reinforcements on nozze, etc.). The testing consists in putting pressure or in vacuum the ...

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